Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The weather is rainy and I feel like doody

So I didn't go to work today feeling very under the weather with a miserable cold.  Thought OK I can get some things done too, some pattern writing or applique on a couple of new patterns that I found...something soothing and creative.  YUP, I SLEPT, most of the day, on and off, and I managed to fold a dryer full of towels and now post this blog.  That's it....  So, I will sit some more tonight, try to get better, but i gotta tell you.....I don't think I am going to feel better any time soon.  My husband is planning on making dinner tonight for me and yup, he doesn't cook lol.  He can open a can so we will have warm soup.  I love him for trying.  Anyone else sick out there........maybe we can be miserable together. 


  1. Well dear girl if you aren't feeling well then you should NOT DO ANYTHING....just lay back and rest.
    Seems when us crafters are not feeling well we just can't stay still...always gotta be doing something.
    How sweet of your husband to help out - gotta love the spirit they give.

    Take care and hope you feel well soon.

  2. Hello best wishes for a speedy recovery for you, yes I am actually not feeling up to par, but I did go to work lol, if I'm going to be miserable might as well be with some co-workers lol! Be well soon!

  3. I hope you get some rest and are feeling better soon..Have a restful weekend..

  4. Michelle,
    I hope you are feeling much better by now! Thank you so much for the little rabbit I found in my mailbox on Saturday. I totally forgot all about it. I did a little post about it on my blog.
    Thanks again,


Bring on Fall Pattern

Bring on Fall Pattern
One of our customers favorites. Easy to do!

Autumn Spectacular

Autumn Spectacular
Beautiful pattern for pillow and runner