Oh wow, I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to open my package from Brenda at the Rusty Thimble. If you don't know who she is you should absolutely follow her blog and check it out all the time. Her giveaways are amazing and her products are magnificent. JUST LIKE THIS
We have a couple of new patterns being released this week kind of in conjunction with Quilt Market....(which I wanted to really really go to)....but alas I could not. Next best thing, Blogger, Internet and Facebook....
I want you all to have a wonderful week.
Wow she is lovely!! I would keep her out all year long too Michelle!
Hello Michelle she looks happy in her new home. I am so glad you like her
ReplyDeleteBig hugs
She is just too sweet! I love the details and fun outfit. And I agree that she isn't a seasonal decoration but for year 'round! Beautiful work to Brenda!